
Junior Security Analyst

Basingstoke, England, United KingdomBasingstokeHampshireUnited KingdomEuropeMay 4, 2024

InfoSum is the world’s leading data collaboration platform. The world’s largest enterprise businesses use InfoSum to collaborate across data sources and deliver richer customer experiences that prioritize consumer privacy. Our vision is to unlock data’s limitless potential, by enabling the world’s data to be connected but never shared. Off the back of our Series B funding of $65 million in 2021, we are investing in our people and teams.

As a people-first organization, we can offer you the personal and professional flexibility needed to get the job done, to grow with us, and help challenge the status quo. If you want to work with a business that encourages collaboration, champions the idea that the sum is greater than its parts, then we want to hear from you.

We are looking to bring in and support the growth of a Junior Security Analyst to work within our dedicated security operations team. The successful candidate will help to monitor, analyse and respond to threats and in return we will provide you with industry training and help establish your presence in our Sec Ops team.


  • Monitoring of the SIEM and initial triage of alerts Auditing tasks (daily crawl of audit logs for anomalies).
  • Policy enforcement spot checks (checking firewall rules and cloud inventory).
  • Assist the wider Sec Ops team with stakeholder duties, automation and incident response.
  • To provide real time threat analysis and detection.
  • Respond to system generated alerts, analyse logs and traffic patterns.
  • Provide analysis and trending of security log data and network traffic from many monitoring points.
  • Generate customer facing security reports.
  • Integrate and share information with other analysts and other teams.


  • Good level of knowledge in IT and networking fundamentals across: Operating Systems, Cloud vendors, IP, TCP/IP, HTTP(S) .
  • Knowledge of the security threat landscape and the approach threat actors take to attacking a network (phishing, port scanning, web application attacks).
  • Knowledge of various security methodologies and technical security solutions (firewall and intrusion detection systems).
  • Knowledge of network analysis and network/security applications.
  • Desirable: Some experience as a Security/Network Administrator or equivalent in a Security Operations Centre environment .
  • Desirable: Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experience and knowledge.
  • Desirable: Experience working with SIEM systems.

Personal capabilities:

  • A passion for Cyber Security and enjoys solving problems
  • Ability to multitask, prioritise and manage time effectively
  • Ability to cope successfully under pressure and with shifting priorities
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skil


You will receive a competitive salary, 8% pension contribution, private health care and the opportunity to receive share options. We have a fantastic office in Basingstoke complete with a fully stocked fridge, catered lunch and snacks. However, like most tech businesses, we are fully remote and intend to remain that way until social distancing measures are over in the UK. When we return to the office, we will take the best bits of remote working but also foster face to face collaboration, with the intention that all employees will be in the office at least twice per week. Of course, if you prefer to be office based, you will be able to work there full time.

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