
Software Engineer, Application Security

Mexico AnywhereMexico CityCiudad de MéxicoMexicoNorth AmericaMarch 12, 2025

At Lyft, our mission is to improve people’s lives with the world’s best transportation. To do this, we start with our own community by creating an open, inclusive, and diverse organization.

Lyft connects people to transportation to change the way we live and get around our communities. Lyft’s engineering team is growing rapidly, and we are looking for Software Engineers with a passion in Security to help us scale. Come be part of the Security team at Lyft focused on enabling and empowering engineering teams to deliver secure services at scale.

Our drivers and passengers entrust Lyft with their personal information and travel details to get where they're going and expect us to keep that data safe. Lyft's security team leads efforts across the company to ensure our systems are secure and worthy of our users' trust.

The security team designs and builds Lyft's security architecture, consults with other teams as they build and launch new products and features, proactively plans for the unexpected, and responds to incidents that occur. Our work affects the entire company and takes place at all levels of the stack, from infrastructure to web application security, as well as mobile apps, IT, and autonomous vehicles. We try to approach security from a software engineering standpoint. We believe in scaling security through automation and tooling and we ship frequently. Check out our blog posts at to learn more about some of the things we’ve built.

We're looking for an engineer who's excited about growing and improving security at Lyft by building systems and promoting security throughout the company. You'll play a part in shaping the future of security at Lyft, and your work will have significant impact and visibility.

  • Build platforms that automatically remediate known vulnerabilities across our data warehouse at scale
  • Evangelize our shared security responsibility model by collaborating with engineering teams at Lyft to ensure that our services and workflows are secure by default
  • Work on embedding security best practices such as least privilege, isolation, monitoring, authentication and authorization across our and software tooling and infrastructure.
  • Work with leadership to define security priorities and drive resolution of key initiatives.
  • Provide rich data to engineers at Lyft to drive manual and automated decision making by working on our open-source service Cartography, which shows relationships between our infrastructure assets
  • Solid experience with a high level programming language (bonus points for experience with Python, Go-lang and shell scripts)
  • Experience with (or a deep interest in) computer security
  • Experience with Amazon Web Services (AWS) or any other major cloud service provider
  • When facing a problem that's poorly defined or outside of your expertise, you can quickly learn what you need to dig in, make sense of the problem, and start working towards a solution
  • You're a great communicator, and can advocate for your proposals while also empathizing with your teammates' goals and priorities
  • You understand that security work must be prioritized because all teams have finite resources. You have good judgment and a sense of when to compromise and when to hold your ground
  • Running multi-tier or distributed web applications at scale
  • Kubernetes and container security and running fleets of endpoints or servers in the cloud
  • Crear plataformas que resuelvan automáticamente las vulnerabilidades conocidas en nuestro data warehouse a escala
  • Evangelizar nuestro modelo de responsabilidad de seguridad compartida colaborando con los equipos de ingeniería de Lyft para garantizar que nuestros servicios y flujos de trabajo sean seguros de forma predeterminada.
  • Trabajar para incorporar las mejores prácticas de seguridad, como privilegios mínimos, aislamiento, monitoreo, autenticación y autorización en nuestras herramientas e infraestructura de software.
  • Trabajar con liderazgo para definir las prioridades de seguridad e impulsar la resolución de iniciativas clave.
  • Proporcionar datos valiosos a los ingenieros de Lyft para impulsar la toma de decisiones manual y automatizada trabajando en nuestra cartografía de servicio de open-source, que muestra las relaciones entre nuestros activos de infraestructura.
  • Experiencia sólida con un lenguaje de programación de alto nivel (Python, Golang y/o Shell Scripting)
  • Experiencia con (o un profundo interés en) seguridad informática
  • Experiencia con Amazon Web Services (AWS) o cualquier otro proveedor importante de servicios en la nube
  • Puedes aprender rápidamente lo que se necesita para profundizar, darle sentido a un problema y comenzar a trabajar para encontrar una solución cuando encuentras un problema fuera de tu experiencia.
  • Eres un gran comunicador y puedes defender tus propuestas al mismo tiempo que te identificas con los objetivos y prioridades de tus compañeros de equipo.
  • Comprendes que se debe priorizar el trabajo de seguridad porque todos los equipos tienen recursos limitados. Tienes buen juicio y sabes cuando comprometerte y cuando mantenerte firme.
  • Ejecución de aplicaciones web distribuidas o de varios niveles a escala
  • Seguridad de contenedores, Kubernetes y fleets de endpoints o servidores en la nube

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