The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands•The HagueZuid-HollandNetherlandsEurope•March 7, 2025
Deadline Date: Friday 5 August 2022
Requirement: Services Security Contractor
Location: The Hague, NL
Full time on-site: Yes
NATO Grade: A/98
Total Scope of the request (hours): 240
Required Start Date: 1 September 2022
End Contract Date: 31 December 2022
Required Security Clearance: NATO SECRET
Duties and Role:
1. Professional Services Consultancy is required for AMDC2 systems and NISP project:
1.1. Consultancy for DISA-STIG and OpenScap implementation on Oracle Linux 8, priority one: Implement a protection profile based on OpenScap and (preferably) DISA-STIGs for OL standalone and full server including protection profile enforcement, update, reporting, and customisation. Min skill for the task: Hands-on experience in writing structured and well documented test suites using PyTest and Gherkin.
1.2. Command-Line Test Automation with PyTest framework and Gherkin (behaviour driven testing) consultancy, priority two: Create a robust suite of automated test cases for the NISP command line tools on Solaris 11.4 and Oracle Linux 8. The test framework used is PyTest, and the test cases will be written in Gherkin. Min skill for the task : Hands-on experience with configuring FreeIPA, customising FreeIPA, resolving FreeIPA bugs
1.3. Consultancy for FreeIPA, priority three: Secure configuration of FreeIPA, understand Do's and Don'ts of FreeIPA, resolution of some tasks affecting FreeIPA (such as the site adaptation). Min skill for the task: Hands-on experience with the implementation of protection profiles using the OpenScap suite and using DISASTIGs as input. Consultant shall have hands-on experience in implementing customisations to protection profiles, such as allowing the end-user to turn certain settings on and off. Consultant shall have hands-on experience in updating protection profiles, reporting on protection status, fixing issues with protection profiles.
1.4. Any other task related to NISP software.
Skill, Knowledge & Experience: